Every Tuesday 4MileCircus presents a new video tip with advice on how to approach social media, crowdfunding, and/or video production.
Most people use social media to hang out, connect, and share content that is of real interest. With more nonprofits, and businesses using social media, timelines can be overrun with advertisements, which isn’t what most people want to see.
That’s why it’s important to be social, not just promotional if you want to make an impact. Join relevant hashtag conversations on twitter and groups on Facebook. Follow people. Like, Share, Comment on and generally Engage with their posts. Let people get to know you through your account. Post funny anecdotes, and links to cool projects that are not your own. Be a real person and a good neighbor, and make sure promotional content is less frequent than your non-promotional content. Also, find a way to enjoy it. Don’t be cynical about the audience you want to build, be enthusiastic about the like-minded folks with whom you’re networking. You’ll get back what you put in.
For more on this topic visit: http://www.4milecircus.com/2016/social-media-is-social/
Produced by 4MileCircus (4milecircus.com)
Music by Shawn Setaro (theciphershow.com)